Friday, July 17, 2009


I'm hooked onto mangas!!! ARG!! Reading a lot daily.. OK, maybe 20-30 episodes is not much compare to my other friends but still.. Haha..

What manga I'm following?? Well, started with Naruto.. I only started watching the anime before my Trial STPM.. Pretty dull rite? Since it came out like 4 years ago.. Still, after watching all 220 episodes of anime, I still couldn't get enough of it.. So I started on the manga, Shippuden and guess what.. I finished the entire series (where it has stopped currently) in 10 days.. LOL!! That means I was doing 30-40 a day.. Haha..

So OK, was very sad.. Cause now, have to wait every week for a new one to appear.. Every Friday to be precise.. Then I was thinking, maybe I should start another one.. And I heard my friends said that Bleach was very good.. Not as good as Naruto but good enough to read.. So I started it and now I got hooked again.. >.<

Oh well, guess I'll just continue with Bleach.. Haha.. Later get started on One Piece, thou I dun feel like starting it, my friend said it's more cartoonish.. Will see how.. Time to catch up on Bleach.. Plot thickens now.. Later!!

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