Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Come Alive

Just randomly looking at old YouTube videos, how people were making videos during the last pandemic, during the last MCO. It just felt like yesterday, but it has been really 4 years already. And so much has changed in the past year, for me personally.

I stumbled across a song, that I used to enjoyed so much as I worshipped. Come Alive by Collective KL, such an amazing song, and something that still impacts to me until today.

Go and check it out, when you have to time. It reminds me, how we all come alive, when God is in our lives.

Maybe that is what I need now, to come alive again. Enough with the emo-ness, enough with the sadness, enough with that self doubting, downcasting, and self-blaming.

It is time to Come Alive.

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