Thursday, November 12, 2009


Sometimes, people can be inconsiderate.. I know, this is the world, nothing is fair.. However, as a batch, as course mates, we should always understand everything that is done for the batch.. Yes, I'm talking about my medical batch 15 in AIMST..

There are people in the batch who just solely think for themselves.. Who do not even bother to consult others before they go straight to the people higher up.. Getting other people into trouble.. I pity one of our lecturers, who has struggled so hard to overcome our batch's 'overcrowding' problem.. The lecturer has virtually gave up hope on our batch and it is a handful of us that are trying not to make that happen.. Yes, it's not your fault that the batch is so big, but nobody even asked you to come to AIMST.. You make the decision yourself, so stop whining and live with it..

Sometimes people just don't listen.. I look at our class rep, everyday working his butt off for the class.. Canceling classes, reshuffling them.. I look at our class treasurers, group leaders and material managers; whom everyday try to do the best for the batch.. Not only people don't appreciate your helpfulness towards the batch (expected) but they can criticize, complain and whine all the way.. And the best thing? They won't even bother to take up the post.. So here's my thought, IF YOU CAN'T TAKE UP THE RESPONSIBILITY, STOP YOUR YAPPING!!

To all my batchmates who are or will be reading this, I hope you don't take this the wrong way.. Nothing is perfect in this world and being 'childlish' won't get you very far in this world.. So I hope that everyone will understand each other better from now onwards, at least be thankful that they are some people who are willing to help the batch..

~Arigato Guasimas~

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